Cheif Apostle Vertise Rozier
Senior Pastor and Founder
A Last Day Prophet
Apostle Vertise Z. Rozier was born July 23rd 1969 in Dublin, GA. toTWO GOD fearing parents, the late Levi Rozier, and Mary Rozier, the forth of eight children.
Apostle Rozier became involved in the ministry at an early age. Being born into Union Grove Church of God in Christ; he wasSAVED at the tender age of seven and received the gift of the Holy Ghost at the age of twelve. During his tenure in the Church of God in Christ, Apostle Rozier served in many capacities: Youth Pastor, Choir Director, Assistant Sunday School Teacher, and the Assistant President of the Youth Department, to name a few. In October 1984, Apostle Rozier’s formal ministry began when he preached his initial sermon entitled, “I Find No Fault in God”. He was licensed in 1985 by his spiritual father and mentor, the late Superintendent L.R. Hood. It was under the tutelage of Superintendent L.R. Hood that he was endued with wisdom and the “Old and Holy Way” of doing things which has caused him to become who he is today.
On December 4 1994, Apostle Rozier was instructed by God through His Holy Spirit toSTART a church in Forsyth, Georgia. However, Apostle wondered with his own failures and insufficiencies how he could lead the people of GOD. The Lord then spoke to him and said,
“I ordained you in your mother’s womb” Thus, Apostle Vertise Z. Rozier began the Cathedral ofFAITH Praise Center #1, in a small conference room at the Holiday Inn in Forsyth, GA. The Lord has blessed the ministry to be debt free after building a half-million dollar edifice and purchase over five acres of land. Additionally, Apostle Rozier founded The New Generation Outreach Ministries of which he is the presiding prelate.
Apostle Rozier has been slated as “A Last Day Prophet” and is building a ministry of empowered believers divinely appointed and chosen toRESTORE, redeem, rebuild, and repair that which has been torn down. His ministry is one that is committed to making known GOD’s Kingdom to Everyone; Everywhere; Throughout the World according to Isaiah 58:1 which declares “Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and shew my people their transgression”
On May 27, 2000, Apostle Rozier’s Life wasENHANCED with the predestined union to former Linda E. Stephens, an anointed and accomplished Woman of GOD, tailor-made just for him. The couple is unique force, which the LORD use to destroy the work of the adversary. Aposte Rozier has one daughter, QuaNedrya Rozier, two granddaughters and is the spiritual father to many that has birthed in ministry.